Tuesday, January 18, 2011

25 Things.

Because I'm new, I figured I should probably tell you a little bit about myself. So looking for inspiration, I came across this gem of a "note". This list of 25 things is what my 24 year-old-self thought people should know about me. Posted on February 23, 2009 and now, almost 2 years later, I'd have to say that all 25 things remain completely true.

With an addition to #17 (Not only do I love love. I love being in love. (the best)) As well as a disclaimer to #18 and for that matter #19.  (I'm still working on it..slow and steady wins the race.)


1. I am a true spaz at heart, and tend to over analyze almost everything to death. God bless my patient friends.

2. When I am driving by myself I often pretend that whatever song I am singing to in the car is apart of my new hit show on Broadway. (I sometimes even add the dialogs between songs)

3. Because I find myself doing the previously mentioned, I seriously laugh out loud about how crazy I am/must look, especially if someone was in the car with me.

4. Almost daily I come to the realization about how ridiculously funny/odd my job is and sounds; cluttering the world, one sculpted resin collectible figurine dragon fairy at a time...

5. I want to live everywhere for a year.

6. I can start a dance party where ever I go..I almost always do.

7. I wish everyone I knew and loved lived in the same place.

8. At the same time I love that I have friends/family all over the place so I can go visit.

9. I am a big fan of the weekend get away...well let's be honest..any sort of get away-ness.

10, I am an even bigger fan of the impulse airline ticket purchase.

11. I am not afraid of dying, but more that I will miss out on EVERYTHING.

12. I love meeting new people and asking questions.

13. Everytime I go back home to Ohio I NEVER want to leave, even though I know I love being in Chicago.

14. I have never really liked playing on a "team" sport, i.e. basketball, softball, because I am too afraid to be the person to lose the game. I much rather prefer doing individual events like swimming and running.

15. I hate when people are mad, especially at me.

16. I almost never finish all the food on my plate. I have to leave at least a small bite. It's not that I don't like it or not hungry...I just get bored with it and end up picking at something else. This often drives my best friends crazy.

17. I love love. Really. Almost to the point of obnoxiousness.

18. I feel bad for things that are probably about 95% not my fault or even anything that I can control. I think its a catholic guilt thing?

19. Because of the feeling bad I say "I am sorry" all the time. I even say "Im sorry, for saying Im sorry" its annoying and I hate it and i am really trying to quit.

20. Things happen, random and crazy things, in my life that I honestly have no clue how or why it comes to be. It almost always ends up being a funny "life story".

21. I so badly wish I could be one of those cool hippy types that just has a backpack, camera and sketchbook and goes off and sees/saves the world.

22. I honestly love hanging out with my family..never a dull moment of laughing and giving each other a hard time.

23. My friends are probably my most favorite part of my life.

24. I love being spontaneous and often justify doing things because it will make a great story in the end.

25. I can't wait to see where I end up.

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I LOVE each of these points. I am happy to say, I think I knew ALL of them. You are fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE you!!!!!!!!!
