Friday, March 11, 2011

"To Do" Lists

I am a big huge fan of the "To Do" List.

Lists (for me) provide a true feeling of accomplishment, as well as keep me focused, on task and efficient.
Nothing is greater than crossing off something on the "List".

Since being in the "real world" I have come to love and depend on my "To Do" list even more and make it apart of my daily routine...

-Get coffee
-Make "To Do" list

When we had to move offices this past week, I stumbled upon a couple of old notebooks I had kept from my first days, months and years in the "real world".  Lots of scribbles and notes and ideas.
But mostly, lots and lots of "To Do" lists.
In these notebooks, almost all of my "To Dos" pertain to work related tasks...
-approve M&M turtle sculpt photos
-email licensing
-think new ideas, etc.

But in one particular notebook, I found a different kind of "To Do List".

The top of the page displays the date; 10/23/07

The title; Things To Do:

At first, I laughed and couldn't believe that among all of my work tasks was this "To Do"list for Life. 

Then, I smiled and thought how funny and ambitious I was for a 22 year old kid, fresh out of college.

And now... I'm inspired.

It's been 3 years, 4 months and 16 days (approximately) since this "To Do" list for Life had been written and I have proudly accomplished 6 out of the 26 mentioned goals.

Game on 22 year-old self, (with the world at her finger tips)... 

We've got Things To Do.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Feel Home; A House Portrait

"Ali's House"; Acrylic on Canvas; Feb. 2011

"There are Few Things Pure in this World Anymore and Home is one of the Few..."
I Feel Home-OAR

A housewarming gift for a darling friend.
Thanks for the great weekend Ali ;)