Monday, January 24, 2011

Do What You Love.

     Tonight, I picked up the aforementioned book and the page fell open with this statement;

          If you Do what you Love you'll never work a day in your life. 

Today, for work, I took a field trip downtown to be inspired. Apart of my job is to come up with ideas. A lot of my friends often ask, how do I do it? How do I come up with an original idea/concept that is different (or different enough) day after day, week after week, year after year (ugh years). 

But to tell you the truth, it kind of comes naturally. For one reason or another, I have been able to "train" my thoughts into thinking about things a little differently. 

Maybe it was the endless hours of doing fun and exciting new crafts when I was little. My friends and I (literally) did a different "project" (as my Mom would call it) at every one of my birthday parties until I was 18 years old.  Or maybe it is my Mom's constant preaching, "Anyone can give a gift, it's the presentation that is key." Whatever it is, guess I can attribute more than just my squinty eyes to Mama J. :)

While I certainly do not like my job everyday, I do love the fact that I get to be creative. And if continuing to be creative gets me to never work a day in my life... 
I'll take it. 

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