In order to graduate (like most Colleges/Universities) I had to participate in a Senior Comprehensive Review. As a Studio Art major, I had to create a cohesive body of work that embodied, not only what I felt strongly about, but challenged and pushed me with the skills I had learned the previous four years.
I chose a series of figurative, acrylic paintings that spanned to 10 feet long and about 5 feet tall (being only 5"2, that was a challenge within itself). When putting together this blog/website, I found the photos and artist statement that accompanied the art show.
My twenty-two year old self wrote in April 2007 the following;
I have always been fascinated with the power of relationships. As human beings, we relate to one another through verbal and non-verbal gestures in order to provide meaning and focus in our lives. It is that human connection made each and everyday that is vital to our emotional growth. As a summer camp counselor, I dealt first hand with twelve and thirteen year old girls who constantly struggled with this human connection.
Through my acrylic figurative paintings, I reveal the non-verbal gestures that identify the desire one has for a positive and successful relationship. Through a warm smile, a disgusted look, a helping hand, or a cold shoulder, these girl’s interactions are the epitome of the worldwide effort to feel connected; to feel alive.
It's been almost four years (eeks) since that Artist Statement and my "glory days" at Saint Mary's College. Since then, I know I have a better understanding about what it means to desire the connection.
Maybe it's being in the "real world" and meeting new people in a big city; impressing the "boss-man" with a really great new concept; falling in love with a really great guy; or just enjoying and growing in the already amazing friendships I have proudly kept. Whatever it is, I realize that in order to feel connected, I must create the connection.
Through painting, smiling, laughing, crying, concept-ing, listening, talking, loving...I try to create the connection.
So take the time and ask yourself, what makes you feel alive; connected? How do you create the connection?
(see Paintings-Misc. tab above for more Senior Comp Artwork)